Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Almost…..Wednesday September 19, 2006

Penny got settled in at the hospital tonight.
Another little communications problem with our health care providers but the people at the hospital have been very good about it and I am sure she will be as comfortable as can be for the rest of the night.
The paperwork will catch up, and it sounds like they know what’s going on.
Pen’s sister Paula came over to keep her company and let me get home for a few winks before I come back in the morning. And Mom and Dad came to check up on them both.
Feels like a lot of things being home alone though. Kinda hard to sleep. The last time we spent a night apart was last year when she picked up an infection during her down days on chemotherapy and got stuck in isolation at the same hospital she is at now. Had to cancel our vacation south. Got to go later though and the upside is the hospital had her on file. Made things easier tonight.
I have typed the last few posts for Pen. Since Trish last did. I read them to her before I posted them to be sure they were ok. I felt a little odd doing it at first for a number of reasons. Firstly, because Pen didn’t have the strength to do it anymore. That hurt. A lot.
The second reason is that I have never read her blog. I will, but I haven’t yet.
This one is just from me.
I read the first few, and stopped for a number of reasons. Some are personal, some were obvious, or so I thought. I live here, I don’t need to read the blog to know what is going on. People I work with, or friends who have told me where and when I am going before I knew frequently confronted me. It was in the blog.
They knew things about me I didn’t know.
I guess the moral of that story is that living here doesn’t necessarily mean you know what’s going on around here.
I do know for sure though that Penny is in good hands tonight. I hope she gets some rest.

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