Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2006From Trish

My first morning with Penny, she mostly slept until about noon when she was more lucid and able to sit up for a while. She had a little fruit to eat in the morning and a tiny bit of peanut butter on a bun and some more fruit at lunch. That's probably the one thing that stood out right away is how little she is eating but thought she did pretty good at lunch time in that she ate both.

Shaving her legs, arm pits and then rubbing her feet and legs down with lotion seemed like a small thing to do and yet to her it meant the world. I'm sure also that part of the emotions involved stemmed from feeling like she's losing her independence. I hope she's realizes that it meant the world to me that I was able to do that for her. And that being able to touch her and rub her legs and feet gave me a sense of connection to her and a moment that I will cherish.

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