Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2006No Sense of Time

Trish is typing this for me because I wanted to be sure people knew where things were at but it's just too hard to type and takes too much energy.

The radiation put a damper on the pain control again. We've had to up the meds for about a week and just now have dropped them a little bit. The radiation stopped the bleeding. The lumps are still there but I can tell they're starting to go away and aren't hurting quite so bad. I have the pain I think under control where it doesn't get much over 5 out of 10. I just have no strength and spend most of the day laying in bed. To get up to go to the washroom is my major undertaking in the day. So Micheal had to give me my first shower which was really hard. It's hard not having that independence. But now it's been a week and have gotten used to it. It felt so good today when Trish came and did the other important things like getting my legs shaved. Made me feel fresh and clean.

So now what? I don't know where this goes next. It seems like each week something new comes up that tells us time is getting shorter. So I guess this week the new thing is the jaundice that looks like it's here. So the nurse is going to come by tomorrow and do blood test. So we'll find out about that. My understanding is that it's probably the cancer moving into the liver. I have someone coming every day now which takes some pressure off Michael. It's hard to realize that this is probably the rest of my life. That there's not going to be alot of outings. Just visitors. People coming to see me. I'm very tired all the time and that can be from the radiation too. So hopefully that will get better by the end of this week. I'm still going to try to make a trip to Cranbrook to see my Grandmother one more time and hope to go by the end of the week, if all goes well.

I asked Trish to post on here anything that she might see while she is here visiting or that people might be interested in.

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